Virtual Planning meeting for Metrowest Adolescent Survey
11/3/2024 1:46 pm
Join us for a Virtual Planning call including Dr. Sam Meisel, related to the Metrowest Adolescent Survey. See details and link to join on November 5th at 7 p.m.
Read MoreATTN Seniors: Cap and Gown orders
11/3/2024 1:41 pm
Cap and gown orders are due November 8th!
Below is the link to connect you to the Jostens website where you will order and pay for your cap and gown. The cost of the cap and gown is $24.00 (Essential package). The Essential package includes a cap, gown and '25 tassel.
This site will be available for payments until Friday, November 8th. Ordering by November 8th ensures correct delivery and will avoid any late fees. If you are ordering for multiple students, please create separate orders.
Order at this link:
11/1/2024 8:51 pm
Planning is underway for the 13th Annual Warriors 4 Warriors * Patriots 4 Patriots Benefit Hockey Game. We are proud this has been a lasting L-S Hockey event in memory of and honoring 1st LT Scott Milley, 2005 L-S graduate and hockey captain.
The Online Store is NOW OPEN for T-Shirts, Sweatshirts and Wristbands. Wristbands are “Tickets to the Game” and will give you entrance to all three games.
W4W games are on Saturday, December 14th. JV Boys 1:30 pm; Varsity Girls 3 pm; Pre-Game Ceremony and Varsity Boys 5 pm.
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Financial Aid Night
11/1/2024 3:23 pm
On Thursday, November 21st starting at 7:00pm, L-S will host a virtual Financial Aid Night through Google Meet (link below). As is customary for this event, there will be a presentation by a member of the Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA), which is always very informative around financial aid.
To join the event, please click this link: Financial Aid Night Google Meet
Both students and guardians are encouraged to attend this evening if possible.
Contact your House Counselor with questions!
Read MoreFELS Annual Thanksgiving Day Pie Sale
10/18/2024 3:20 pm
With the crisp chill of autumn in the air, the FELS annual Thanksgiving Pie Sale is officially underway! From October 15th to November 15th, head here to learn more and order pies. Already have dessert covered? You can still help support our LSRHS faculty and staff by making a donation to the FELS 2024-25 Annual Appeal.
Read MoreLS Swim & Dive Preseason Meeting
10/17/2024 11:57 am
Join us for the LS Swim & Dive Preseason meeting for athletes & parents on Tuesday, October 29th @ 6:30pm in the Lecture Hall!
Read MoreWinter Athletics Sign-up
10/17/2024 9:25 am
Registration for Winter Sports is Open on Arbiter Sports (Formerly Family ID)
Registration is open now and will close on Wednesday 11/27/24. There will be a Virtual Atheletic Information Night the week of 11/18. Some Winter sports start the week of 12/2. Click HERE to Learn more and/or Register now!
Read MoreMcLean Counseling Opportunities
10/15/2024 10:45 am
We are excited to share that the LS Counseling Department has begun a new consultation with McLean Hospital. As part of that consultation, there is a new resource that is now available to all LS parents/guardians called the “Leaders in Youth Mental Health Series.” There are four free caregiver webinars for the parents and caregivers at LS - the first is on October 17th.
Read more for details!
Read MoreReality for Life Fair
9/30/2024 9:24 am
SAVE THE DATE — Class of 2025 Reality For Life Fair:
On Friday, March 14, 2025 all seniors will be required to attend the 4th Annual Reality For Life Fair. The Reality For Life Fair is a simulation of the financial obstacles students will face throughout their lives. The event is an interactive fair where students will play the role of a 25-year old adult with a chosen profession, annual salary, a credit score and a student loan payment. Working within a budget, based on their monthly "income,” they will visit multiple booths over a predetermined time period to make "purchase" decisions utilizing cash, credit or savings. Students will also have an informational session on a few specific financial literacy topics to prepare them for the interactive part of the fair.
- This event is one of the highlights of the year for all of our seniors!
- We ask that families do not schedule any appointments or out-of-school activities on Friday, March 14, 2025.
- If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Kate Grant or Kathleen Thompson.
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Student Travel
9/30/2024 9:17 am
Superintendent Andrew Stephens recently shared a list of Student Travel opportunities. Check out these amazing programs, and details on dates and requirements.
Read MoreLS in the Community
Find all things Community News here!
Work at Sudbury Park and Recreation and Atkinson Pool - learn more!
College-Bound Athlete Resource - Nov 14th at 7 p.m. at LS
Adult Ed Classes Registration is open -- New Classes in November
LS Boys Intramural Basketball, Register by Nov 10th, Evaluations on Dec 7 & 9
MoreSchool Calendar
- Thursday, November 7
- Monday, November 11
- Friday, November 15
- Tuesday, November 19
- Wednesday, November 20
- Thursday, November 7
- Monday, November 11
- Friday, November 15
- Tuesday, November 19
- Wednesday, November 20